PC Talk:Asshattery

From Loranon

Revision as of 11:14, 24 September 2007 by Ferrispc (Talk | contribs)
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This page starts out strong, but ends a little weak. I think more demonstrated points would strengthen the case.

I agree, it was going well until I invited some asshats into the editing process. Nobody besides me seemed interested in looking up CRs and ELs and we have a genuine lack of information in some cases concerning monster names and quantity. I'm going to remove the separate puzzle event entry because I actually think that was a cool puzzle and not asshattery as bisquick claims.

I'm going to remove the subentries that are not quantifiable as I do not think they add to the argument.

moved to this page

[edit] Battles for which stats are not available

Add to table once stats can be deduced/metagamed:

kobolds everywhere encounter during Crown of the Kobold King
1st level adventure critters that had DR
tentacle monster (hundreds upon hundreds of tentacles)
spell-stiched ghoul encouters in Forshantir I and Forshantir II

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