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Goare Likes it in: On These Days: This Many Times
The pooper Not Applicable
During Winter Months
Not Applicable
During Winter Months
The vagoo
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

Goare was originally one of the war leaders for the dread guild Praetorian, but became dissatisfied with the inefficency of their aquisition of further power and wealth, not to mention the idiocy of some of the rank and file that would simply not follow orders and he left the group. The Wayfarers of Fharlanghn was the group that had originally shown him the path of the druid, and had pushed him forward on his first steps into a larger world, beyond his early life as a soldier.

Goare lives up at the top of the Path, where he occasionally takes on apprentices if those in charge of the Temple badger him enough to keep teaching in order to maintain his tenure there. He has been doing this for about 23 years now, the latest apprentice being Mazer Kitrye.

Goare's training methods boarder on humiliating and demoralizing, with most of the first year or so of an apprenticeship being doing mential chores for the cantankerous old bear. Goare is hardly a favorite of much of the temple, but he has their begrudging respect. They rarely consult with him on matters of policy, but in the few times that the Wayfarers have marched to war, Goare is at the front barking orders and commanding the troops.

Following Mazer's departure into Cauldron, Goare has been stalking the forests and the highest levels of the Underdark for drow raiding parties, trying to keep them off Mazer's trail.


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