PC:Session Recap - 20 March 2009

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Taliesin's Journal - March 13, 1332

Amelia had her baby this evening. Another body added to the teeming mass that is at the rotting foot of this city. The child seemed unremarkable enough, at first -- but the evening has be wondering if I might be wrong.

Evening started bad, got worse. One of Jonny's thugs came by, small time crook, wouldn't be worth mentioning if he hadn't tried to kill me. All this over 50g. I used to throw that kind of money at whores before Pentulius. Now some thug is trying to kill me over it. Jonny won't like it when I get my hands on him. He is going to think he is covered in spiders until he dies. I don't think Jonny likes spiders. I don't remember. Doesn't matter. Spiders it is.

Dealt with thug, Jonny should know better than to send someone so weak willed after me. Maybe he shouldn't. No way for him to know, he wouldn't have learned anything about me. He is a thug typical of this city. Lacks finesse, intelligence, method. Wouldn't be worth my time if it wasn't for the threat. Will kill thugs next time. Send Jonny a message.

Need to learn to be more on guard, could have been from Moriartea -- that might have ended differently. Seems like I need a real door.

Went to the Bucket's to unwind after the thug, Manuel had said something about celebrating another mouth to the teeming mass of the city. Doesn't matter to me, Amelia's nice enough. Going tonight might keep her trap shut next time someone comes looking for me. Obviously didn't tonight. She sent everyone to my office, none of them paid.

Brat from noble house, wizardish type -- untrained, no power, no manners. I could kill him. Might need to kill him, attitude might get in the way. Came looking for Annie again. I sent him to Amelia once, she's where the trail ends. I follow trails, I don't fight. Explained this, brat didn't understand. Showed him Amelia again. Met another client, Conhar -- he's going to pay me to find him drugs. Seemed desperate, should be easy enough to find his weed. I look forward to taking his money. Some hippy dwarf druid also was in the Buckets. It was a weird night, I think -- hippy druid kept spouting off about a prophecy and how we were all destined to work together. I suspect he had been hit in the had a few too many times, making quick associations in his head along with delusions of grandeur. The only reason we were in his dream was because we happened to be at the Buckets. Don't care too much, he came in handy when things got bad.

Then things got bad.

Jasidin Purple Guard stormed into the Buckets, led by Mekor. They overwhelmed the bar, took the kid. Don't like it when people mess with the Dregs, when the powerful lord it over the underclass. Typical of the mageocracy, no regard for any non-magic user, or anyone else that doesn't play into their system. I was there, I played that game. Didn't like it. Don't like them. Mekor is an upstart, obviously working for someone else. More than I can handle on my own. Tried to handle thugs, but there were too many and I was too few. Had help from Amelia's brother. Human crimeboss -- fleeting influence, illegal trade. Normally he would be my enemy. Need his help to preserve order.

Mekor took the child, knights moved out of the Buckets to the south. Some kind of supernatural fog appeared, obviously a wizard's doing. Probably Mekor, maybe not. Several knights were dead there. Checked their pockets, got 16 gold. Up 1 gold for the day after paying off Jonny's thug. Also found a Brooch.

Went to Candy Mountain to find out about the brooch. Talked with Charlie, introduced him and Conhar -- made some progress finding weed for Conhar. Need to go to noble area of Xalo. Charlie sent us to Darril at Square -- the man/woman thing that was at the Bucket's seemed right at home here. Didn't find much out here, unfortunately. Ended up going back to the Bucket's -- sent the brat back to the Mage Academy to see if he could find out why Mekor was nabbing babies. Convinced brat that best way to find his woman was by helping us. Idiot bought it.

At the Bucket's, made new friends that suggested we follow some elf that was seen with Amelia. Followed elf to a warehouse. Made good friends with a guard at the door, dispatched other guard. I like it when my new friends stop cutting on me. He led us inside. In a classic twist, we found Amelia in the warehouse being guarded by some rogue follower of Libertas. Name was Whisperwind or something like that.

Jasidin Purple Guard began to pour into the basement, swarming in like flies to the carcass of a dead hooker. I knocked several out, the people I was with took out several others. We forced our way out of the basement. My companions lack subtlety, but had somewhat effective abilities.

We got Amelia to safety, but the purple guards took the warehouse. Got the kid to safety too. Whisperwind and at least 6 Libertas rogues were left behind -- we lived though, thats the important thing.

I don't know what is coming next, I seem to have gotten myself caught up in something foul though.

From the journals of Tristram Shandy - 13 March 1332

Continued search for Annie today. Visited the Dregs for the first time. Far more disgusting than I envisioned.

First sought out the Buckets o’ Beer. Not what I’d consider a fine establishment. Seemed to be a party going on, so I opted to find Taliesin’s office to have him introduce me to this Amelia girl.

Taliesin's hovel also more disgusting than imagined. Surprising number of dwarves at the party, though none of them seem to know the girl. Dwarves more disgusting than imagined.

Jasidin Purple Guards interrupted the party and took the girl’s baby. Powerful-seeming wizard with them. Chances of extracting meaningful information out of Amelia seeming bleak.

Smellier dwarf somehow convinced me to go along with a fool-hardy plan to save the proletarian baby. Seeing an entirely new side to Xalo. Perhaps we can purge the proletarian areas of the city?

Candy Mountain was an awful experience, but nothing compared to the Square bar. Hating this area more and more. These people should have gone to school, then they would not have to live in this slum! Why do we suffer those without arcane abilities to live? It seems obvious that they are inferior.

Wild goose chase to tranny town provides no leads. Apparently the detective found a clue (first detective work I’ve seen proof he’s done!) after a scuffle outside the bar, which is why we are running around in the first place. Something tedious about Libertas.

Heading home for the night. Bringing strange-sounding brother of Amelia and Amelia herself to the estate for the night, needed protection on my way out of this horrible place. Definitely putting them in servant’s quarters.

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