Session Recap - 22 June 2007

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Session Recap
22 June 2007
Start Date 23 January 1332
End Date 29 January 1332
Adventure Locations Dormantown, Dormantown Area, Spikeshroud Mountains, Neverfall, The Mysterious Tower
Previous Session 15 June 2007
Next Session 30 June 2007
Image:Session Recap - 22 June 2007.png

Participating Characters

Bisquick, Daeron Elensar, Fagan von Feld, Mazer Kitrye, Rymlli Flamebullion

Session Summary

Around Town

The session begins on the evening of January 23rd and finds Daeron searching for Perc Graysky, the captain of the militia. He spends the entire evening searching for him and finally happens upon him in a grove where he is kneeling, apparently crying. He recovers and Daeron has a conversation with him that touches upon the following points:


Out on Patrol

Into The Mysterious Tower

Updated Wiki Entries

Treasure Obtained

  • 12 battleaxes
  • 12 heavy steel shields
  • Rusty Longsword
  • Lantern
  • 31 GP

Player-submitted Commentary