Session Recap - 19 August 2011

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Session Recap
19 August 2011
Start Date 7 April 1002
End Date 9 April 1002
Adventure Locations Redbridge, Redbridge Area Farms
Previous Session 12 August 2011
Next Session 26 August 2011
Image:Session Recap - 19 August 2011.png

Participating Characters

Heimdalsgate, Illia Viran, Jalfrezi, Pan Oros, Rickard Hill, Therthyra Brutebeard

Blessing of the Sunkissed Fields

After the failed kobold ambush, the party took refuge at a farmer's house a couple hours away. They confirmed with the farmer that he hadn't seen any kobolds in the area, but he made mention that his neighbors said that had seen some with their own eyes.

Clearing out the Kobolds

Leaving the hospitable farmer behind, the party set out again escorting Sebastian Leolite and other clergy members while they blessed various fields. In the late afternoon, they came upon a burned down farm house and barn. Upon searching the still smoldering ruine, Illia was able to find the tracks of a large kobold party who were dragging heavy objects with them. No human bodies were found in the remains.

The party decided to hunt down the kobolds and see if they could find any living family members of the raided farm. Sebastian Leolite chose not to go along, as he did not think that it would be safe for Sansa Berrit,a young acolyte who was with the group. The head priest did implore the party to hunt the kobolds while he took Sansa Berrit back to Redbridge. Dunruk Sunaxe continued on with the party.