Malic Citrate, Rymlli Flamebullion

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(Rymlli Flamebullion moved to Malic Citrate: Player changed his name)
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-{{Pc+#REDIRECT [[Malic Citrate]]
-|player=Pete Ferris+
-|affiliation1=PC Party+
-|affiliation2=Flamebullion Clan+
- +
-== Description ==+
- +
-== Background ==+
- +
-Rymlli Flamebullion+
-Deep Dwarf Cleric of an Unknown, Faceless God+
- +
-Rymlli, a deep dwarf of the Flamebullion clan, peeked out+
-from the crevice through the tiniest of slits between his fingers.+
-The light was blinding and harsh. If all of the forges of the+
-Flamebullion clan were made to fire at once (a feat not+
-performed for many hundreds of years), their combined+
-intensity would be nothing compared to this all consuming+
-power. Rymlli rotated his head trying to locate the roof of this+
-new cavern. Much to his surprise there was none. High in the+
-sky burning brighter than any object Rymlli had ever seen was+
-what could only be Moradin’s Sky Forge.+
- +
-Rymlli had never left the Underdark before. It had taken+
-him over thirty sleep cycles to reach the surface since his flight+
-from the Flamebullion clan hall. The first nine sleep cycles had+
-simply been a blind flight—an attempt to get as far away from+
-the hall as fast as possible. It was only a matter of time before+
-the council of old men would cease their debate over what+
-exactly had happened during his spellcasting examination.+
-Honor-retrievers would soon be dispatched to bring him back.+
-Rymlli only knew of one person who had ever evaded the+
-honor-retrievers. His great uncle Mekda had also departed+
-when he was Rymlli’s age. Rymlli was pretty sure that Mekda+
-had successfully escaped. Of the five honor-seekers sent after+
-Mekda, only one returned alive—and the survivor had not+
-spoken of the foray to anyone outside of the council+
- +
-Rymlli rubbed his eyes and turned away from the light that+
-spewed forth from Moradin’s Sky Forge. As his eyes regained+
-their darkvision he saw the bodies of the two “half an orc” that+
-he had slain during the previous sleep cycle. Rymlli knew all+
-about Gruumsh, the one-eyed god of cruelty, from his religious+
-teachings. Gruumsh was an orc and while the creatures that+
-he had slain fought like orcs, they did not possess the stark+
-green skin, scars, or the stench of years of filth that Rymlli had+
-been told that all orcs possessed. These two creatures smelled+
-more of fear, sweat, and travel than of filth. Rymlli felt that the+
-term “half an orc” fit them well.+
- +
-During his confrontation with the two “half an orc”,+
-Moradin’s Sky Forge had not been lit. Instead, Moradin’s tears+
-had rained down and it was just as dark outside as it was inside+
-the crevice that Rymlli now occupied. The two “half an orc”+
-had huddled just inside the crevice too afraid to stay in the+
-rain, but also too afraid to head any deeper into the cavern.+
-As he remembered the fierce battle, Rymlli reached out and+
-gently ran his fingers along an arcane symbol that someone+
-had etched into the cave wall long ago and knew why the+
-“half an orc” had not ventured any deeper.+
- +
-For the final twenty-one sleep cycles (after the original+
-blind flight of nine), Rymlli had in fact been following the+
-arcane symbols etched into the walls during his ascent.+
-Amongst many of the great Dwarven clans—hill, mountain, and+
-deep dwarf alike—wizardry was verboten so it was very unusual+
-to find such items clearly marking a path upwards to the+
-surface from the Underdark. When Rymlli first saw them, he+
-hypothesized that they were Mekda’s and he felt full of power+
-whenever he was near them.+
- +
-Rymlli double-checked that both of Mekda’s scrolls were+
-still intact in their case in his backpack. It was these accursed+
-items that had caused him to flee in the first place. Rymlli had+
-been given Mekda’s old forge and tools when he come of age+
-to strike the white hot Flamebullion for himself. Tucked away+
-inside a secret compartment below Mekda’s anvil were the+
-scrolls. Rymlli made it a point to steal away and study the+
-scrolls whenever possible. He learned many things from these+
-scrolls, but chief among them, he learned words that would+
-make his healing spells more powerful. The words had+
-accidentally sprang from his lips during his final spellcasting+
-examination before he received the blessing of his clan and+
-became an ordained Cleric of Moradin—blessed protectors of+
-the Flamebullion clan. Once the words were said they could+
-not be unsaid and Rymlli had been forced to flee. The penalty+
-for wizardry amongst the Flamebullion was death.+
- +
-It was just after the third sleep cycle of his blind flight from+
-the clan hall that Rymlli first realized that he had fallen out of+
-Moradin’s favor. No longer were his prayers answered nor were+
-divine magics granted. Distraught Rymlli had fretted endlessly+
-over his now useless holy symbol. He had passed it from hand+
-to hand, turned it over, spun it, shook it, but no matter the+
-action, his spells did not return. It was not long before the holy+
-symbol itself had been worn perfectly smooth from Rymlli’s+
-rough hands. No likeness of Moradin remained.+
-Rymlli’s spellcasting ability returned when he first+
-discovered one of the arcane etchings. His now faceless holy+
-symbol had felt hot in his hand when he first gazed upon the+
-deep scratches in the cave wall. With his newly energized holy+
-symbol in hand, Rymlli ceased his prayers to Moradin, and+
-began his worship anew to this faceless god that had taken+
-pity on him.+
- +
-Rymlli kicked the body of one of the “half an orc” and+
-began rummaging through its pockets looking for anything of+
-use. He located a few gold pieces for his troubles. He stashed+
-the gold away in his own pocket and turned back towards the+
-opening of the crevice. He knew that his new life on the+
-surface would not be an easy one. Rymlli once again placed+
-his hands over his eyes and opened the tiniest off slits between+
-his fingers. With his eyes protected, he exited the darkness and+
-strode boldly into the world bathed in the light of Moradin’s Sky+
- +
-== Character Sheet ([ print]) ==+

Current revision

  1. REDIRECT Malic Citrate
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